Whether you are planning a landscape plant installation Boca Raton or just want some space for a garden, it’s a good idea to plan ahead and consider some important factors before jumping right in. Even before you head to the store to start picking up supplies, knowing these 4 tips beforehand can make the process go a lot smoother and hopefully, in the end, will save you some time!
Know Before You Go
Probably the most overlooked thing to consider is understanding the intended purpose of a newly designed yard. You might initially be tempted to put plants in a certain area and cut walkways others but in the end, when it’s all said and done, things start to malfunction.
To avoid wishing that you could go back and undo what hard work you just put in, you have to consider the microclimates of your yard, in other words, know where the sun hits during certain times of the day and over the course of a year. You’ll also need to gain an understanding of your yard’s topography so that proper water movement occurs.
Create a Theme
While you’ll generally be limited by climate as to what kind of plants you can have in your yard, creating a good theme and design is essential to fostering a sense of unity when the project is complete. You wouldn’t want a southwest-themed yard clashing with local plants in Northern Washington, for example.
A good place to start when coming up with ideas is to consider the architecture of your home. If you can base your ideas on how the current structures are eventually integrated into the natural landscape, it will help with plant selection and give you loads of inspiration.
Unlock the Plant’s Full Potential
While it may seem like a good idea to slap a maple in the corner by the fence, consider what it will look like in 30 years and how that might affect property boundaries and annual cleanup.
Some plants can easily be used as barriers to certain areas in your yard, creating good flow and intention through your yard. If you are planning on planting things that yield something to consume, make sure they are in plenty of sun.
At the end of the day, there are hundreds of ways you can take your project. So while you are planning, remember that the key to your project is always to start with the existing conditions and improve from there.
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