Congratulations on choosing the right replacement windows or new windows for your home. Having selected the right windows and doors company, the next stage is the installation process before your home can benefit from the impact of new or replacement windows.
Do you want to know how to prepare the window installation area for the best results possible? Are you searching for tips on how to have stress-free windows and doors installation? Do not stress out; here are 5 tips to prepare the window installation area:
1. Clean and Clear The Area Outside The Window
The installers need free space to move, carry materials and stand to install your new windows, especially outside the windows. Consequently, you should clean the area and remove all kinds of objects that can be an obstacle there. Remove items such as flower pots, planters, and lawn furniture. Do not spare the flowers and shrubs outside the installation area. Look out for other objects that can cause an accident and remove them as well.
2. Remove Window Coverings
You unavoidably have to remove all window coverings on the affected windows. Installers need free access to the windows to be replaced. As a result, remove the curtains, drapes, blinds and other types of window coverings over the window space. If there are any decorations, photo frames, or paintings hanging on the wall close to the window being replaced, remove them safely.
3. Protect The Floor and Other Properties
The next thing you must do to prepare the window installation area is to protect the floor and the belongings in the room where windows are being installed. Use a canvas drop cloth, a tap or plastic sheeting to cover the floor and properties on which dust can easily gather or settle. Protect your carpets, furniture, electronics, and other properties in the room.
4. Keep Children and Pets Safe
If the installation project is taking place at a time your kids are around, you must ensure that they are protected, as well as your pets. Keep your children and pets away from the work area. Take the pets to their cages and keep them safe. Engage the kids in the other room or take them away from home, maybe to your neighbours or relatives nearby until the project is completed.
5. Grant Access to Your Home
Another crucial tip is to make your home accessible to the windows and doors company. If you will not be around, make an alternative arrangement with a friend or relative that will ensure that your home is accessible. You can turn off the security and alarm systems, and ensure that they will not be locked out of the home during the installation.
The above 5 tips are helpful and will ensure that the installation is completed without hassles. You must work with the windows and doors company to know any other ways you can make the installation hassle-free for them.
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