There are several things that you can add to your pool landscape to make your pool area appear more appealing. You could, for example, want to add boulders to your backyard. A boulder is low-maintenance and visually striking as well. Many fibreglass pool owners integrate boulders into their pool landscaping design, to add an element of intrigue.
If you’re thinking of getting boulders then there are two kinds that will be available to you. The first of these is the natural boulder, which is extracted carefully and blends in easily with most backyard designs. The other option is an artificial boulder, which although cheaper, can often look like it’s fake as well. Which then, is ideally suited for your backyard?
Adding Boulders To Your Pool Landscape
To make the area around your pool look really appealing, you should add more than just plants to your pool area. Boulders are a design element that although popular, isn’t something you’re likely to find in most homes. When thinking about pool landscaping, people usually stick to plants, trees, shrubs, and other organic elements.
But these days, people are looking for design options that are low-maintenance as well. A boulder, which is essentially a piece of rock, is absolutely low-maintenance. Once you’ve placed your boulders in your backyard, you can leave them alone. But should you get an artificial boulder or the real thing?
1. Price
Artificial boulders are cheaper than the real thing. This is because the cost of production is cheaper. Artificial boulders can be made from various things, such as glass fibre-reinforced concrete. Real boulders, on the other hand, have to be carefully dug out from the ground, using specialized machinery.
Since real boulders are heavier, the cost of transporting them is more as well. Over time, all these add up and make the final cost of a real boulder much more than the artificial variety. Artificial boulders aren’t all that cheap either- but compared to real boulders, they are priced lower. Artificial boulders are manufactured in specialized factories, and the lower cost of production makes them the cheaper choice for landscape designing.
2. Weight
Real boulders will be heavy. If you get a large boulder, then moving this around might be difficult. You may need the help of multiple people to move the boulder to your backyard and then place it. This means that your labour charge for working with a real boulder is higher as well.
An artificial boulder, on the other hand, is much lighter. Just one person can easily lift the boulder and move it around. Once the artificial boulder is delivered to you, you’ll be able to pick it up and move it around in your backyard, whenever you like. With a real boulder, anytime you want to move it around, you’ll need to ask people to help you. An artificial boulder is something that you can just move around by yourself. This allows you to change your pool landscape design, anytime you want it to change.
3. Manufacturing
A real boulder is extracted from natural stone. It’s cut out in the desired shape and then transported to your home. The stone, after being extracted, can also be specially shaped, using specialized equipment as well. Artificial boulders, on the other hand, are cast from formations of natural rock. Although they look like actual rocks, they are actually made from substances like glass fibre-reinforced concrete.
Both real and artificial boulders are durable. Artificial boulders can be specially coloured so that they look like various kinds of stones.
4. Availability
Artificial boulders are more easily available when compared to real boulders. To purchase real boulders, you’ll need to get in touch with a supplier. They will then inform you about whether they have what you’re looking for, or whether the boulder will need to be extracted. If the boulder isn’t immediately available, then you may need to wait for a few weeks before it gets delivered to you. This can end up pushing back the plans that you have for your backyard landscape design.
Artificial boulders on the other hand are more readily available. You can also find various kinds of artificial boulders, made to resemble different kinds of rocks. If you want, you can add variety to your backyard design, by integrating artificial boulders of different designs. Since artificial boulders are available more readily, you’ll be able to complete your backyard landscape design in time as well.
So if you decide early in the summer that you want to add boulders to your backyard, then with artificial boulders, your pool landscape will be ready by pool season. If you want real boulders in your backyard, then you should get in touch with the supplier ahead of time. This way, even if they need time to extract the boulder for you, you’ll still be able to get it by the time pool season starts.
5. Durability
Both real boulders and artificial boulders are durable, but of these, real boulders are more durable. This doesn’t mean that your artificial boulder will exhibit cracks or signs of weathering. Artificial boulders are built to endure against the elements and can make an excellent addition to your backyard. However, when compared to real boulders, they are less durable.
With a real boulder, you can add one to your backyard and leave it there for years to come. Artificial boulders, over the years, may become more weathered and need to be replaced.
There are many advantages and disadvantages to adding either real boulders or artificial boulders to your backyard. What your budget is, how long you have to design your landscape, as well as what kind of rock you’re looking for, are just some factors to consider.
When deciding whether you want real or artificial boulders for your backyard, don’t worry about the external appearance. This is because both kinds of boulders will look like the real thing. But artificial boulders are cheaper, easier to lift, and more easily available. This guide can help you decide whether you should get real or artificial rocks for your pool landscape.
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